Page 57 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-3 2024-2025
P. 57

Clinical Pharmacy PharmD - 2024/2025                  Level 2                Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-3 (PC 305)

                                            CH    CH           NH 3

                                       H  C          CH 2    - 2H O
                                             O  O   C  H         2            N
                                      glutaconic dialdehyde

            2)  From  1,  3-dicarbonyl  compound,  ammonia  and  an  aldehyde  (Hantzsch


            It  involves  the  condensation  of  a  1,3-dicarbonyl  compound  containing  an  active

            methylene group (2 equivalents) with an aldehyde and ammonia ( 1 equivalent each),

            whereby  a  1,4-dihydropyridine  derivative  is  obtained,  which  is  easily  oxidized  by

            nitric acid to a pyridine derivative.

                           O           O     O             O   H
                                H        H                         R O            O    R     O
                                H   +   H                                 [O]
                                O      O          - 3H O                  -2H
                                   NH 3                         N                      N
                         1,3-dicarbonyl                         H                      H
                         compound                         1,4-dihydro-
                                                          pyridine derivative

            Substitution of pyridine:
            The π-electron densities at various positions of the pyridine ring are not all the same.

            As  there  is  a  considerable  drift  of  electrons  from  the  ring  towards  the  more

            electronegative nitrogen atom.


                                                                +                        +
                          N                N                N               N                N

                              Kekule structures                        charged structures

                                                             S N

                                                  S E                  S E

                                                  S N        N          S N
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