Page 80 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-3 2024-2025
P. 80

Clinical Pharmacy PharmD - 2024/2025                  Level 2                Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-3 (PC 305)


               a) Sucrose

               Ordinary table sugar is a disaccharide called sucrose.

               Obtained commercially from sugarcane or sugar beets.

            The structure of sucrose is based on the following evidence:

            1. Sucrose has the molecular formula C 12H 22O 11.

            2. Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of 1 mol of sucrose yields 1 mol of D-glucose and 1 mol

            of D-fructose.

            3.  Sucrose  is  a  nonreducing  sugar;  it  gives  negative  tests  with  Benedict’s  and  Tollens’
            solutions. It does not form an osazone and does not undergo mutarotation. The two hexoses

            have a glycosidic linkage that involves C1 of glucose and C2 of fructose.

               b) Maltose

               The structure of maltose was deduced based on the following evidence:

               1. When 1 mol of maltose is subjected to acid-catalyzed hydrolysis, it yields 2 mol

               of D-(+)-glucose.
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