Page 9 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-3 2024-2025
P. 9
-Class rooms Data show- Computers, Internet.
Water baths, flames, glassware, condensers, filter papers chemical
- Laboratory
facilities reagents, white Boards Computer software (NMR topspin processing
7- List of References with QR code
No. Reference QR code Type
1. Electronic book prepared by staff members Course notes
Recorded videos prepared by stuff members Videos on
2. Videos
Practical Skill in Chemistry. By John RDean, Alan M.
3. Jones, David Holmes, Rob Reed, Jonathan Weyers and Textbook
Allan Jones. Pearson Education Limited
Mc Murry, J. in organic chemistry, 8th ed. (2011),
4. Brooks/Cole, London Textbook
Vogel's Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry (5th
5. Edition), A.I. Vogel, A.R. Tatchell, B.S. Furnis, A.J. Textbook
Hannaford, P.W.G. Smith