P. 214
1/8/25, 11:16 AM Latest News
To enhance family stability Family Development
Foundation launches ‘Social Counselling Service’
Abu Dhabi, January 07, 2025: The Family Development Foundation (FDF) has launched an innovative
‘Social Counselling Service’ to provide support to families in matters pertaining to family dynamics, marital
relationships, parenting and behaviour. A team of highly qualified specialists will provide this service,
assisting families in overcoming various challenges to bolster overall family stability.
FDF stated that the service also aims to address the widespread issue of ‘marital silence’ by providing
assistance to couples struggling with lack of communication, which negatively impacts marital relationships
and family stability.
FDF further reiterated that ‘marital silence’ could stem from several factors such as lack of mutual
understanding, anger or trust issues, stress and depression. It can increase tension and emotional distance
between spouses, detrimentally impacting the rest of the family, particularly children.
To tackle this pressing concern, FDF recommends identification of its root cause, facilitation of open
conversation between spouses, practising active listening and creation of shared routines to improve
connection and communication. FDF also recommends the usage of positive and constructive language to
express emotions as well as seeking professional help when necessary.
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