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1/13/25, 2:47 PM FDF implements programs and services under ‘Effective Parenting Skills’ program
The services and initiatives offered by the FDF highlight the vital role that parents play in raising their children. Image Courtesy: Family
Development Foundation (FDF)
FDF implements programs and services under
‘Effective Parenting Skills’ program
To empower parents to foster positive family environment
Press Release
January 6, 2025
Abu Dhabi: The Family Development Foundation (FDF) implemented a series of initiatives and
community services under its ‘Effective Parenting Skills’ program to empower parents with the requisite
tools and strategies to strengthen their deep and meaningful bonds with their children. This program also
aims to increase family stability and enhance public understanding of how crucial it is to integrate roles
and responsibilities within families to foster a happy and cohesive community. The FDF remains
steadfast in its commitment to adopting and implementing progressive strategies to guarantee the long-
term viability of families and society.
Noura Mujahid, Head of the FDF’s Effective Parenting Skills program, said: “The program’s major goal is
to create a stable, healthy home environment that fosters children’s personality development. As 1/2