Page 10 - FUGRO PR REPORT MAY 2024
P. 10

Fugro editorial

                                                                                                    May 1, 2024

            Fugro to showcase its early screening solutions that accelerate infrastructure

            projects at International Geotechnical Innovation Conference

            Fugro is set to present its pioneering early site screening solutions at the International Geotechnical
            Innovation Conference (IGIC) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on May 6-7, 2024, showcasing how its
            technology can help clients reduce uncertainties hidden in the soil of their infrastructure projects. As a
            recognised leader in Geo-data solutions, Fugro's technology targets the challenges that slow down
            infrastructure development, often leading to extended schedules and cost overruns.

            KPMG’s  2023 Global Construction Survey revealed that 50% of  construction projects exceed their
            scheduled completion times, and 37% surpass budget forecasts,  often due to an inadequate

            understanding of subsurface conditions. Fugro addresses this challenge by providing critical data during
            the initial planning and design phases empowering its clients to make informed decisions.

            At the IGIC event, Dr. Rod Eddies, Solution Director Land Site Characterisation at Fugro, will open the
            session titled, ‘Early Screening for Improved Management of Geo-risks’ as a keynote speaker. He will
            discuss the shift from traditional investigation methods to advanced techniques resulting in improved
            decision-making, reduced biases, and enhanced project outcomes. Additionally, Dr Alexandre Boleve,
            Innovation Engineer at Fugro, will participate in a session titled: ‘Machine Learning and Geo-statistics in
            Geo-Risk Management,’ exploring how AI  and Machine Learning  can mitigate risks and improve
            efficiencies in construction projects.

            At the same time, Fugro will participate in the International Port & Marine Development Conference
            (IPMDC), which is collocated with IGIC, highlighting its specialised solutions and technologies crucial for
            the sustainable development of marine and coastal projects.

            During the IPMDC session titled ‘Effective Geo-data Management for  Maritime Civil Infrastructure,’
            Hannes Swiegers, Director IRM Services & Remote Operations at Fugro Middle East & India, will delve
            into the transformative  potential of Fugro’s remote and autonomous  solutions for revolutionising
            maritime infrastructure.


            For more information


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