Page 74 - BKN301 PR Report - April 2024
P. 74

Revolutionising banking-as-a-service: BKN301 on bridging financial markets across Europe and MENA
        Q: What trends in consumer behavior do you foresee shaping the future of payments?

        A: The future of payments in the MENA region hinges on digitaliza on, with a pronounced shi

        towards digital remi ances and blockchain technology. As popula ons become more digitally
        savvy, there’s a growing demand for secure, efficient cross-border payment solu ons.

        Moreover, the prolifera on of digital wallets and mobile banking apps underscores the need for
        seamless, user-centric payment gateways tailored to the preferences of young, tech-savvy


        Q: How does BKN301 ensure cybersecurity in its opera ons across mul ple geographies?

        A: Cybersecurity is paramount in our opera ons, especially considering the diverse regulatory

        landscapes and currency complexi es across our opera ng regions. We adhere to stringent

        European standards and invest substan ally in robust cybersecurity infrastructure.

        Leveraging our exper se and partnerships, we’re commi ed to safeguarding our clients’ data

        and transac ons, mi ga ng cyber threats, and ensuring a secure banking experience for all our

        Q: What advice would you offer to aspiring entrepreneurs entering the startup space?

        A: My journey in entrepreneurship has taught me the value of innova on and focus.

        To succeed in the startup space, it’s essen al to iden fy untapped markets, stay commi ed to

        your vision, and embrace calculated risks.

        Rather than following trends, seek out opportuni es for disrup ve innova on, and tailor your
        solu ons to address pressing needs.

        Remember, innova on thrives on adversity, so don’t shy away from challenges; instead, view

        them as opportuni es for growth and differen a on.

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