Page 173 - 7X PR REPORT JULY 2024
P. 173
7/4/24, 11:53 AM PRESSR: 7X unveils ambitious expansion plans to strengthen global network and enhance customer experience — TradingView N…
PRESSR: 7X unveils ambitious
expansion plans to strengthen
global network and enhance
customer experience
Jul 3, 202413:05 GMT+4
First published: 03-Jul-2024 13:05:17
Emirates Post aims to optimise its centres’ geographical footprint to ensure
that they are not more than a five-minute drive away from customers.
EMX provides superior delivery services across 200 international destinations
through its expansive courier partner network.
Wall Street Exchange recently opened its 33rd branch in Abu Dhabi Mall.
Instant Cash, with more than 145 agent partners across more than 90
countries, is one of the fastest growing MTOs in the region.
EDC boasts a seamless and flexible operating model, working on projects
across 10 countries, and serving 11 different industries.
Dubai: 7X, previously known as Emirates Post Group, announced key expansion
plans as part of the brand’s new strategy introduced earlier this year, aiming to
strengthen its diverse portfolio and enhance both its domestic and global reach.
The group also highlighted the expansive reach and robust capabilities of its
subsidiaries – Emirates Post, EMX, EDC, and FINTX, which includes Wall Street
Exchange and Instant Cash.,2024-07-03:newsml_Zaw2Qcl5G:0-pressr-7x-unveils-ambitious-expansion-plans-to-strengthen-global-… 1/4