Page 19 - Savoye PR Report - October 2024
P. 19
Savoye will emphasize the value of AI and automation solutions in the logistics and supply chain industries at Seamless Middl…
cu ng-edge ACR (Autonomous Case-Handling Robots) and ODATiO
so ware solu ons, which are designed to revolu onize warehouse
opera ons, boost supply chain efficiency, and sa sfy other industry
By u lizing cu ng-edge technologies, the Middle East's dynamic
logis cs and supply chain industry has experienced constant evolu on
to successfully sa sfy the changing expecta ons of merchants. Globally,
and even in the Middle East, the key growth driver for warehouse
automa on technologies remains to be eCommerce. eCommerce
fulfillment is a major driver behind the need for more warehouse space
and the implementa on of automa on technology within the
warehouse. Forecasts suggest that by 2025, the warehouse automa on
market in the Middle East is expected to expand at a compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of 17.5%, with a total value of USD 1.6 billion.
"We are pleased to par cipate in the Seamless Middle East 2024, one
of the biggest events that highlights latest innova ons across various
sectors, including eCommerce, retail, payments, and logis cs," said
Alain Kaddoum, Managing Director of Savoye Middle East. We hope to
showcase our cu ng-edge technology and solu ons at the event,
which will help the supply chain and logis cs sector flourish.
The Middle East area, seeing the value of warehouse automa on, has
been ac vely inves ng in state-of-the-art solu ons to improve
opera onal efficiency and adaptability, he con nued. For supply chain-
based businesses to succeed, warehousing opera ons are essen al.
Among the many noteworthy advantages of automa on are improved
space u lisa on, improved inventory control, and decreased expenses
and shortages of labor. Following the pandemic, there has been a
significant surge in investments in warehouse robots, sugges ng a shi
in perspec ve towards a resilient and adaptable logis cs infrastructure.
Our goal in taking part in this event is to draw a en on to how… 2/3