Page 30 - Savoye PR Report - October 2024
P. 30
Latest News
features an integrated Order Management System (OMS).
With this new feature, ODATiO now serves as a comprehensive, intelligent solu on that combines Warehouse
Management System (WMS), Transporta on Management System (TMS), and Order Management System (OMS)
func onali es into a single modular and scalable applica on. This update underscores Savoye’s unwavering
commitment to mee ng the evolving needs of the region’s logis cs and supply chain market.
Alain Kaddoum, Managing Director, of Savoye Middle East, stated: “GITEX provides us with an invaluable pla orm
to connect with industry leaders and showcase our innova ve solu ons, especially the upgraded version of our
ODATiO so ware. Currently, the Middle East's logis cs market is expanding quickly due to the region's rapid
industrialisa on, increasing manufacturing ac vi es, and growing domes c consump on of goods. We are
confident that the unique capabili es of ODATiO can support this increasing demand by helping businesses in the
region improve their flexibility and opera onal efficiency.”
The Middle East and Africa’s freight and logis cs market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate
(CAGR) of 6.36 per cent to reach USD 222.63 billion by 2029 from USD 163.57 billion in 2024. With a focus on
innova on and customer sa sfac on, Savoye has solidified its posi on as a key player in the region’s warehouse
automa on segment by offering comprehensive solu ons that help maintain business growth.
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