Page 51 - TRIMBLE PR REPORT - November 2023
P. 51

Assessing the role of technological advancements in the construction of modern airports - LogisticsGulf
        subcontractors, and suppliers who drive specific requirements for collabora on.

        Ineffec ve communica ons

        If such projects are managed conven onally with heavy reliance on manual and paper-

        based communica on systems, there are high chances of delays due to ineffec ve
        communica ons. Consequently, using technology to manage such massive projects is
        deemed to be the way of the future.

        It is evident that there is significant poten al to increase produc vity, efficiency, and
        project outcomes by integra ng digital technology into the construc on of airports.
        Airports can be built and managed more effec vely by leveraging tools such as BIM,

        AI, automa on, and IoT, resul ng in improved passenger experiences, streamlined
        opera ons, and sustainable development in the avia on industry.

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