Page 63 - HYTERA PR Report -October 2023
P. 63

Fire Middle East Magazine | Hytera set to transform industries operating in high-risk environments
        For instance, the Middle East accounts for approximately 30 per cent of the world’s total oil produc on, housing five of the largest oil fields
        globally. Hytera’s IS technologies serve as a significant facilitator for the seamless func oning of the hazardous workplaces, suppor ng the
        industry’s growth given that the sector is one of the major contributors to the region’s economy.

        Capitalising on decades of Hytera’s exper se in IS electronics development, the latest devices adopt powerful IS circuits, explosion-proof ba eries,
        an -sta c technology and dual an magne c mechanisms to minimise the poten al risk of explosion caused by overhea ng and electronic sparks
        in highly hazardous environments with explosive gas and combus ble dust.

        Built with me culous engineering and innova on, these devices emphasise safety without compromising on performance, demonstra ng Hytera’s
        dedica on to delivering top-of-line communica ons solu ons tailored for industries in the region and across the world.

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