Page 18 - SLC PR REPORT - MARCH 2024
P. 18


                                          Statement by Ahmad bin Meshar

                                                SLC Secretary General

                                        On International Women's Day 2024

               8 March 2024  - “International Women’s Day  stands  as  a  global moment to honour the
               contributions  of women worldwide and  acknowledge  their  outstanding  accomplishments  and

               their pivotal role in fostering economic and social development, highlighting the importance of
               supporting and empowering women being key players in the growth and advancement of nations.

               In the United Arab Emirates, this day carries profound significance; it is a moment of pride as we
               reflect on the accomplishments and achievements of women, reaffirming their pivotal role as

               partners alongside men in the pursuit of sustainable development, in line with the directives of
               our wise leadership. Today, the UAE shines as a beacon for women’s empowerment, with women

               assuming key  roles within  the government as  well as  across various  other sectors,  forging
               remarkable achievements and success stories including in the realm of entrepreneurship. Under

               the  unwavering  support  of Her Highness Sheikha Fatima  bint  Mubarak,  Chairwoman of  the
               General Women’s  Union, President  of  the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood,

               Supreme Chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation, ‘Mother of the Nation’, women in
               the UAE have risen to prominent position compared to their peers worldwide.

               We, at the Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai (SLC), are committed to

               empowering women and to supporting their roles and active engagement by creating a legislative
               environment that safeguards women's rights and champions their contribution across various
               sectors, in line with the UAE’s pioneering ethos of empowering society through women.”

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