P. 34

Press Release

                      Family Development Foundation’s ‘Positive Parenting’ platform
                                  benefits 24,000 users during first half of 2024

                   Abu  Dhabi,  August  22,  2024:  The  Family  Development  Foundation’s  (FDF)
                   ‘Positive  Parenting’  platform’  witnessed  a  remarkable  turnout  from  interested
                   individuals and community members in the first half of 2024. During the period, the
                   platform benefited more than 24,000 users by providing them with a wide array of
                   informative scientific materials that included content from over 192 resources.

                   Noura Megahed, Coordinator of ‘Positive Parenting Platform’ at the FDF, said:
                   “The  key  objective  of  the  platform  is  to  create  a  positive  and  stable  connection
                   between parents and teenagers and to promote their holistic and healthy development.
                   In line with this, the platform provides necessary support to young people during this
                   key transitional phase of their lives. At the same time, it supports parents by proving
                   them with necessary guidance to efficiently manage and encourage positive behaviour
                   among their adolescent children, allowing them to address different challenges arising
                   due to swift changes in their kids’ lives.

                   She  also  noted  the  different  sections  of  the  platform,  including  ‘Adolescence
                   Changes,’ ‘Comprehending Adolescent Behaviour and Development,’ ‘Adolescents,
                   Family,  and  Society,’  ‘Religious  Education  and  National  Identity,’  ‘Adolescents  in
                   Educational Settings,’ ‘The Digital World and Teenagers’ Well-being’ and ‘Mental
                   and  Physical  Well-being.’  She  highlighted  the  key  strategies  designed  by  the
                   Foundation  to  effectively  address  the  unique  developmental  characteristics  and
                   physical changes experienced by teenagers.

                   Furthermore, Noura Megahed explained the unique features of the platform, which
                   encompasses more than 192 educational and awareness materials in different formats,
                   including visual, written and audio content. The materials help parents nurture their
                   teenagers by providing them with necessary parenting knowledge and skills. She also
                   underscored that the platform remains committed to fostering a well-informed family
                   and cohesive community by educating parents and empowering them with vital skills
                   to raise their children, build positive relationships, ensure their healthy and balanced
                   development and efficiently direct their behaviour as they navigate the challenges in
                   their lives.

                   The Foundation relentlessly works to improve the skills, knowledge and approach of
                   parents  or  caregivers  through  its  Effective  Parenting  Skills  Development  program.
                   The key goal of the program is to support parents and caregivers in understanding
                   their children’s behavioural changes and efficiently interacting with them at different
                   stages of their growth.  The program includes different sub-services that focus on
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