Page 64 - OQ PR REPORT - JANUARY 2025
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1/8/25, 2:08 PM OQ Unveils Rotomolding-suitable LLDE Grade for Durable Water Tanks
OQ Unveils Rotomolding-suitable LLDE Grade for Durable Water Tanks
Published on 2025-01-07. Edited By : SpecialChem
TAGS: Sustainability and Bioplas cs
OQ, Oman’s global integrated energy group, has unveiled Luban LL-8446.21, an advanced rotomolding-grade polymer designed to
tackle cri cal water scarcity challenges.
Launched at Arabplast 2025, this solu on is tailored to meet the water and food storage needs of communi es worldwide,
par cularly in regions facing severe resource shortages.
Long-term Reliability in Water-stressed Regions
Water scarcity is an escala ng global crisis, with billions of people already impacted and the situa on expected to worsen due to
popula on growth and climate change. Luban LL-8446.21 offers a prac cal solu on, enabling the produc on of durable water tanks.
Designed for long-term use, this LLDPE grade provides long-term reliability in water-stressed regions.
“Water scarcity remains one of the most pressing challenges of our me, and Luban LL-8446.21 reflects our commitment to
addressing this issue with solu ons that benefit communi es and industries,” said Abdul Rahman Al Tamtami, vice president of Global
Marke ng at OQ.
Key Features
Rotomolded ar cles produced from OQ Luban LL-8446.21 offer excellent environmental stress crack resistance (ESCR) and weatherability, making them a sustainable alterna ve to other materials
Durability: Designed for extended use in harsh environments, Luban LL-8446.21 ensures consistent performance, making it suitable for water tanks, agricultural storage, and other cri cal a
Lower carbon footprint: Advanced processing features, such as reduced cooking mes, enable significant energy savings for manufacturers, transla ng into reduced carbon emissions.
Energy efficiency: Lightweight and resource-efficient, it reduces energy consump on during produc on, transport, and installa on.
Food-safe applica ons: Mee ng food contact safety standards, Luban LL-8446.21 supports secure storage of water, agricultural and food products essen al for daily life.
Recyclability: Designed for ease of recovery and recycling, the product supports circular economy principles, minimizing its environmental footprint.
Recognized by OPAL for Excep onal Quali es and Applica ons
The combina on of Luban LL-8446.21’s excep onal quali es and applica ons have earned OQ a nomina on for the pres gious 2024 OPAL Best Prac ces Award. With over 100 customer approvals
solu on is quickly gaining recogni on for its ability to address water and food security needs effec vely. OPAL is a non-profit organiza on dedicated to enhancing Oman's energy sector by promo
safety, and human resource development.
“This OPAL nomina on showcases the strong impact of Luban LL-8446.21 on both our business and the industries it serves,” said Sadiq Al Lawa , managing director of Polymer Marke ng at OQ. “I
dedica on to providing sustainable and high value solu ons to our customers.”
Broad Applica ons Beyond Water Storage
In addi on to water tanks, Luban LL-8446.21 offers excep onal versa lity, suppor ng applica ons such as traffic barriers and road cones, as well as durable consumer goods like cool boxes and chi
Innova on is part of OQ’s DNA and this includes driving product development projects from incep on to launch. Already future cu ng-edge rotomoulding solu ons incorpora ng advanced mater
development. These aim to further enhance the mechanical proper es and environment stress-cracking resistance, ensuring broader applica on reach.
Mechanical Performance with Environmental Benefits
Luban LL-8446.21 reflects OQ’s commitment to sustainable development. Engineered using advanced Unipol PE technology, this product represents a leap forward in high value polymer solu ons,
performance and environmental benefits.
OQ’s proac ve approach to regulatory compliance and customer feedback ensures the con nued development of cu ng-edge products that drive progress in the polymer industry. As the compan
por olio, it remains steadfast in its mission to deliver impac ul solu ons that align with global sustainability goals.
Source: OQ 1/1