P. 11

Dr. Amer Al Zarooni, CEO of Al Jalila Founda�on, said, “We extend our hear�elt gra�tude to

               Salik for their significant contribu�on to support cancer pa�ents at Al Jalila Children’s Hospital.

               Their generous support  ensures  that  we  are  beter  equipped  to  tackle  the  challenges  of
               childhood cancer, providing our young pa�ents with comprehensive and cu�ng-edge medical


               Al Jalila Children’s Hospital, the first dedicated children’s hospital in the UAE, is an ultramodern

               paediatric hospital that aims to be the driving force behind the ter�ary and quaternary care
               facility in the region. The hospital is a place where smart technology and design converge to

               enhance pa�ent care and outcomes.

               Through this ini�a�ve, Salik aims to bolster the hospital’s ability to provide world-class medical
               care and essen�al support to children suffering from cancer. Salik’s efforts to raise awareness

               about childhood cancer serve as an urgent reminder for both organisa�ons and individuals to

               unite for the crucial fight against this disease.


               About Salik Company PJSC

               The Company was established in its current form, as a public joint stock company in June 2022 pursuant to Law
               No. (12) of 2022. “Salik”, which means “seamless mobility” in Arabic, is Dubai’s exclusive toll gate operator and
               manages the Emirate of Dubai’s automa�c  toll  gates  u�lising  Radio-Frequency-Iden�fica�on  (RFID)  and
               Automa�c-Number-Plate-Recogni�on (ANPR) technologies. The Company currently operates 8 toll gates located
               at strategic junctures, especially on Sheikh Zayed Road, which is considered the main road in Dubai. In 2023, 593
               million journeys were recorded through Salik’s toll gates, whether for residents commu�ng within the Emirate
               for their daily ac�vi�es or for tourists visi�ng Dubai’s atrac�ons. Under a 49-year concession agreement (ending
               in 2071), with the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), Salik has the exclusive right to operate exis�ng and any
               future toll gates in Dubai.

               About Dubai Health

               Dubai Health, the first integrated academic health system in Dubai, was established to elevate the
               standard  of care and to  advance health for humanity. Dubai Health comprises six hospitals,  26
               ambulatory health centers, 20 medical fitness centers, Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine
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