Page 44 - Savoye PR Report - November 2023
P. 44

Savoye Acquires a Major Contract in KSA to Support CJ Logistics and iHerb with World-class Automation Solutions
           Savoye Acquires a Major Contract in KSA to Support CJ Logis cs

           and iHerb with World-class Automa on Solu ons

            November 22, 2023   by Newsdesk   63

           Savoye, a leading global warehouse automa on integrator and so ware publisher in the Middle East, partnered with
           CJ Logis cs, a 3PL services company opera ng for iHerb, the leading global eCommerce retailer for health and
           wellness, in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), to deliver world-class automa on solu ons for its e-commerce
           Global Distribu on Center (GDC). The strategic partnership is a significant development for Savoye in KSA, following
           its recent expansion into the region.

           Under the terms of the partnership, Savoye will implement a fully automated fulfilment center, the first-of-its-kind in
           the region, which includes a X-PTS Goods-To-Persons (GTP) shu le system, Warehouse Execu on So ware (WES),
           Zone to Zone fast picking system and automated orders packing to process 15K orders per day. Savoye's flagship X-
           PTS shu le technology will be central to the project, serving as the founda on for an effec ve and ergonomic
           Goods-To-Person solu on.

           Savoye’s high-end solu on is seamlessly designed to reduce picking and packing  me by u lizing Savoye’s highly
           ergonomic GTP sta ons for prompt high-speed picking opera ons. In addi on, Savoye has designed fully automated
           packing lines that are in charge of closing and labeling the prepared orders before automa cally sor ng them into
           the various shipping lanes. The latest agreement marks a significant milestone for all par es as they ac vely work
           towards transforming the Middle Eastern supply chain industry by boos ng produc vity and encouraging innova on.

           Alain Kaddoum, Managing Director of Savoye Middle East, stated: “We are proud to embark on this journey with CJ
           Logis cs and iHerb to further explore the Saudi Arabian market with our tailored automated solu ons. This
           partnership holds great significance as it demonstrates our dedica on to advancing the supply chain and logis cs
           industry. Our combined efforts are also focused on mee ng the industry's expanding needs while advancing Saudi
           Arabia's Vision 2030 and the Health Sector Transforma on Program. We thus look forward to making significant
           strides together and establishing new benchmarks for automated solu ons in the region.”

           The partnership is in line with the Health Sector Transforma on Program, a part of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, which
           aims to restructure the healthcare industry into a comprehensive, efficient, and integrated system based on the
           wellness of people and the community at large. Using Savoye's automated solu ons, logis cs companies in the
           health and wellness sector can easily meet evolving client requirements, thereby suppor ng the program's goals and
           driving the con nued development of healthcare services in Saudi Arabia.

           iHerb is a global leader in health and wellness and is commi ed to making health and wellness accessible to all.
           iHerb chose KSA as its base in the Middle East due to its increasing demand for health and wellness products, as well
           as the promising business environment. iHerb aims to enhance distribu on of its products across the region to meet
           the local growing demands. Through the partnership, CJ Logis cs will integrate Savoye's cu ng-edge automated
           solu ons to op mize its opera ons and boost produc vity to advance this goal.

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