Page 104 - MBRF PR REPORT - December 2023
P. 104

12/5/23, 1:19 PM   PRESSR: Knowledge Lounge explores relationship between reading and 5th Industrial Revolution as part of Knowledge Summit 2…
        session shed light on the concerns revolving around the impact of AI, robots, big

        data, the internet, the metaverse, and pre-trained generative model platforms,
        including ChatGPT, on humans and their potential to replace human intelligence

        by 2040. The session underscored the necessity to adopt new approaches and

        develop skills focusing on humankind to keep up with AI and leverage it to find

        solutions to real problems, improve customer experiences, and deliver services

        more efficiently.

        Finally, the Knowledge Lounge organized a special dialogue session with Dr.
        Nidal Abou Zaki, Managing Director of Orient Planet Group, under the theme

        ‘Smart Cities in the Arab World and their Economic and Social Impacts.’ During

        the session, Dr. Abou Zaki explained about his newly launched book with the

        same title, in which he highlighted the close relationship between technology,

        society, the economy, and the environment. In addition, he shed light on the

        challenges faced by most Arab countries in transitioning to smart cities and the
        efforts they made to establish a flexible technological infrastructure that aided

        in aligning with rapid developments according to best practices and

        international standards. The session also reviewed the journey of the UAE in

        building smart cities and the economic and social benefits it brought in, such as

        job creation and innovation.

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