P. 5

Value of Ad Spend for Arabic Publications (SEPTEMBER)

                                    PUBLICATION                   COUNTRY         VALUE      CIRCULATIONS
                                                                                  In AED
                      Al Etihad                                     UAE              8,800           109,640
                      Al Fajr                                        UAE            11,700            21,980
                      Al Ittihad                                     UAE            23,800            94,275
                      Al Khaleej                                     UAE            18,000           150,000
                      Al Wahda                                       UAE            14,900            30,000
                      Al Watan                                       UAE            17,900           109,000
                      Emarat Al Youm                                 UAE             9,200            80,000
                                       TOTAL                                       104,300


                                                    WEBSITE                                      VALUE
                                                                                                 In AED
                      2lkhbr                                                                          42,200
                      Al Arabi News                                                                   30,000
                      Al Etihad                                                                      175,500
                      Al Fajr                                                                         21,300
                      Al Khaleej                                                                      66,900
                      Al Wahda                                                                        18,600
                      Al Watan                                                                        28,500
                      Alghad Press                                                                    29,600
                      Asia Top News Media                                                              9,500
                      Emarat Al Youm                                                                  26,200
                      Emarat News                                                                     22,000
                      Emirate Press                                                                   43,300
                      Headtopics                                                                       5,700
                      Khaleej Voice                                                                   28,500
                      Khaliji 360                                                                     25,500
                      Khalijiuwn 24                                                                   30,000
                      Klyoum                                                                           8,400
                      Masralyoum                                                                      62,300
                      NABD                                                                           105,300
                      News Formy                                                                      27,000
                      Sawah News                                                                      28,500
                      The Global Today                                                                16,000
                      Twitter – Al Etihad AE                                                           6,800
                      Twitter – Al Khaleej                                                             6,800
                      Twitter – Al Wahda News                                                          5,700
                      Twitter – UAE News Arabic                                                       22,800
                      Twitter – Yasi UAE                                                              17,500
                      Urdu Point                                                                      19,000
                      W6N News                                                                        16,000
                      Wam                                                                             16,000
                      Yasi UAE                                                                        80,600
                      YouTube – Al Ittihad                                                             7,600
                                       TOTAL                                                       1,049,600

                                        Total Arabic - AED        1,153,900
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10