Page 56 - GETEX PR Report - April 2024
P. 56

KHDA Director General Aisha Abdulla Miran inaugurates GETEX Spring 2024 | UAE News 24/7
                              Over 200 universi es from 30 different countries are par cipa ng this
                             year, offering students nearly 2,500 course op ons. The event is
                              expected to see over 20,000 visitors in the following days. With its
                              innova ve programs and exci ng networking possibili es, GETEX
                              promotes interna onal collabora on and educa onal advancement for
                              all par cipants.

                              Her Excellency Aisha Abdulla Miran, said: “KHDA is commi ed to
                             suppor ng ini a ves that empower students to make informed
                              decisions about their higher educa on journeys, and GETEX serves as a
                              vital resource for both students and the higher educa on sector.”

                              “We welcome students and visitors to stop by the KHDA stand to learn
                              more about interna onal higher educa on choices right here in Dubai.
                              The 38 universi es that are licensed and accredited by KHDA offer more
                              than 650 programmes ranging from business and life sciences to gaming
                              and AI. Enrolments at Dubai’s private universi es grew by a record 12%
                              this year, reflec ng the city’s strong reputa on for high quality higher
                             educa on choices in the region, a rac ng future leaders and nurturing a
                              hub for knowledge and innova on” she added.

                              This year’s highlights also include the second Academia Industry
                              Innova on Conference, which is being hosted under the theme
                              ‘Educa ng Future Leaders and Innovators,’ with a strong emphasis on
                              ar ficial intelligence. Along with mul ple workshops, seminars, and
                              discussions for a endees, there will be an AI hackathon, AI startup
                              showcase, youth career counselling, a youth internship fair, AI innova on
                              awards, and a roundtable discussion with educators and other
                              professionals. Furthermore, students will benefit from over 30 seminars
                              on higher educa on, guiding them towards their desired academic

                              Tanya Mokle, Director of GETEX, stated, “With more new courses,
                              universi es, and themes each year, we con nue to grow in an effort to
                              give students be er educa on op ons to secure their future. GETEX has
                              always been commi ed to suppor ng students and helping them choose
                              their career paths, as well as bolstering the future of young adults with
                              training and professional op ons available locally and abroad. This year,
                              we are also pleased to welcome 27 Indian Universi es, 25 Chinese
                              universi es and over 20 universi es from Russia and the CIS Dubai’s
                              Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), has once again
                              reiterated their commitment to be accessible to students and anyone
                              interested in pursuing an educa on in Dubai.

                              GETEX 2024 is set to offer students in the UAE, as well as families and
                              professionals of all ages, the opportunity to interact with regional and
                              interna onal educa onal ins tu ons from over 40 countries, including
                              USA, India, UK, Russia, China, Australia, Turkey, Malaysia, Germany,
                              Canada, and Hungary, promising first-hand knowledge about diverse
                              academic offers and admission benefits.

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