Page 32 - Centena Group PR Report - May 2024
P. 32

Centena launches Atlab Shop Online platform in Saudi Arabia

                               Centena Launches Atlab Shop Online
                               Pla orm In Saudi Arabia

                                 NOHA.GAD   May 23, 2024

                       Riyadh - Sharikat Mubasher: The UAE-based Centena Group, a global conglomerate specializing in science, engineering,
                       educa on, and technology solu ons, launched its innova ve educa onal e-commerce pla orm, Atlab Shop online, in Saudi
                       In a statement, the group clarified that this expansion, made under its subsidiary Atlab, reflects Centena Group’s
                       commitment to improving educa onal possibili es in the Middle East.
                       Atlab, the educa onal solu ons division of Centena Group, will provide teachers and students in Saudi Arabia with access to
                       advanced resources in ar ficial intelligence (AI), STEAM, coding, robo cs, and sustainability fields, leveraging its exper se
                       and partnerships with leading global brands, including LEGO, KUBO, Tello Drones, and Sphero.
                       Sanjay Raghunath, Chairman and Managing Director of Centena Group, said: “This is an exci ng  me for us as we further
                       solidify our presence in the Middle East with the introduc on of our new educa onal eCommerce pla orm in the KSA.”
                       He affirmed the group’s dedica on to advancing sustainable growth and development for companies and communi es
                       within the Middle East and beyond, as well as reshaping the future and transforming lives through innova on and
                       Meanwhile, Nilesh Korgaonkar, CEO of Atlab, commented: “Beyond conven onal e-commerce pla orms, Atlab Shop Online
                       is launching a customized approach for easy access to educa onal resources in KSA for an engaging learning experience.”

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