Page 15 - GETEX PR Report - May 2024
P. 15

GETEX Spring 2024 connects 15,600 aspiring students with top international educational institutions

        The GETEX Spring edi on a racted 15,600 students seeking opportuni es in higher and further educa on,
        encompassing undergraduate and postgraduate programs, applied educa on, and professional development
        courses. The event catered to a diverse demographic over three days, featuring a series of over 20 seminars, an

        industry - academia innova on conference and workshops for career counsellors.

        Discussions focused on key themes such as AI, sustainability, and leadership, taking into account the evolving
        educa onal landscape. This year's event also saw the Chinese pavilion par cipate for the first  me, with 21
        universi es offering their specialized programmes with English as the medium of instruc on.

        Commen ng on the event, Professor Cedwyn Fernandes, Pro-Vice Chancellor of Middlesex University and
        Director Middlesex University Dubai, one of the most successful interna onal university campuses in UAE,
        said: “GETEX serves as a vital pla orm for universi es such as Middlesex University (MDX) Dubai to connect with
        a diverse range of talents. As one of the biggest educa on events in the region, GETEX puts MDX in the center of
        the ac on, allowing students to easily access informa on about our excep onal Interna onal Founda on

        Programme (IFP), 70+ quality UK undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, and our renowned MBA
        programmes. They even have the unique and invaluable opportunity to meet current MDX students and ask
        them directly about their university experience and apply on the spot. GETEX demonstrates the UAEs innova ve

        approaches to educa on, cu ng-edge research, and technology integra on, posi oning the UAE as a hub for
        educa onal innova on. For September 2024, Middlesex University Dubai will be introducing various new
        exci ng programmes, including BA Honours Fashion (Design Technologies), MSc Financial Technology, MSc
        Legal Technology, MSc Sport Performance Analysis and the new MDX MBA (Day me Delivery).”

        UAE’s educa on sector is poised for tremendous growth. By 2028, the country’s educa on market is expected

        to grow at a strong Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 9.46 per cent, transla ng into a projected
        increase in market size of USD 5.41 billion. This growth trajectory extends to the technical educa on sector as
        well, where both enrollment numbers and revenue are expected to steadily rise in the coming years.

        The event's success indicates how the UAE acknowledges the transforma ve power of higher educa on in

        genera ng opportuni es and promo ng societal advancement. The UAE’s Na onal Strategy for Higher
        Educa on 2030 aligns with this vision and strives to achieve the highest scien fic and professional educa on
        standards, demonstra ng the country's commitment to shaping skilled genera ons for the future.…  2/3
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