P. 16

6. Best Sustainable Development Of The Year: Designed to be one of the world's most sustainable cities
            Masdar City won this award. Combining innovative technologies and renewable energy solutions, it sets a
            global standard for sustainable living and working environments.
            7. Innovative Urban Developer of the Year: Eagle Hills continues to lead the industry with its forward-
            thinking and transformative projects. They are renowned for creating innovative and sustainable urban
            8. Rising Developer of the Year: Aark Developers are an emerging leader in the real estate sector,
            recognized for their innovative and high-quality residential and commercial projects. Winning the Rising
            Developer of the Year award, they continue to set new standards in the industry with their commitment to
            9. Best Real Estate Marketing Campaign: Tiger Properties is a prominent real estate developer in the UAE,
            known for its innovative projects and strategic marketing initiatives. They continue to lead the market with
            their impactful and creative promotional strategies.
            10. Emerging Urban Infrastructure Developer of the Year: This award was presented to ANAX
            Developments, a forward-thinking company specializing in urban infrastructure projects, known for its
            innovative approach and commitment to sustainable development.

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                                     revolv e .com

            11. International Property Expert of the Year: Salwa Arfaoui, Regional Director of Next Level Real Estate,
            was honored in this category. She is a recognized authority in international property markets and is known
            for her deep expertise and strategic insight.
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