Page 133 - CABSAT PR REPORT - MAY 2024
P. 133

5/23/24, 11:05 AM   Second day of CABSAT 2024 continues to reveal transformative trends and innovations within media and entertainment landscape

        Second day of CABSAT 2024 continues to reveal transformative trends and innovations within media and entertainment
        Second day of CABSAT 2024 continues to

        reveal transformative trends and innovations

        within media and entertainment landscape

        The show, which will run until May 23, 2024, organised by the Dubai World
        Trade Centre, enjoyed a special visit from ZHU Yonglei, Vice Minister of the

        National Radio and Television Administration of P.R.China

        Press Release

        May 22, 2024

        Dubai, UAE: CABSAT 2024, the Middle East’s flagship event for content, broadcast,

        satellite, media, and entertainment sectors, returns for a second day to promote
        innovative solutions, technologies, and ideas that are fundamentally reshaping the media

        and entertainment industry.…  1/5
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