Page 30 - MonacoCarsAuction PR Report - June 2024
P. 30

‘Ferrari Enzo’ and ‘Ferrari 275 GTS’ to lead ‘L’AstaRossa’ Ferrari-themed sale at upcoming MonacoCarAuctions - Cars of Arabia
        MonacoCarAuc ons, the only auc on house specialising in automobiles worldwide is
        presen ng more than 60 consignments connected to the iconic Ferrari marque ahead of its
        upcoming L’AstaRossa™ sale on 8th June.

        With the burgeoning demand for luxury cars worldwide, par cularly in the Middle East,
        MonacoCarAuc ons now provides a comprehensive concierge service to all buyers in the
        region, suppor ng prospec ve clients with travel and hotel arrangements for the event in
        Monaco. The auc on house will also offer remote bidding services, as well as seamless tax
        management and shipping for successful bidders.

        MonacoCarAuc ons marks another milestone in their esteemed auc on-hos ng legacy by
        overseeing the sale of the celebrated Ferrari Enzo for the second  me in several years. The
        automobile is one among the 400 Enzos ever built, and features a Rossa Corsa finish with Nero
        interior, having clocked in a li le over 7,700 km. A 2010 Ferrari 599 GTO is yet another rare
        special edi on collec ble heading to the auc on. Featuring the signature Rossa Corsa finish and  2/4
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