Page 17 - MBRF PR REPORT - May 2024
P. 17
News Report
Saudi Aramco’s Knowledge Management department received the MBRKA for its accomplishments
within one of the world’s most successful energy and chemicals corporations. The company, which is a
major player in the global oil sector, is dedicated to developing innovative energy technologies and
placing a high value on the sustainability and reliability of its resources. This supports long-term
stability and expansion on a global scale.
The National Institute of Education (NIE) is a prominent and influential academic organization known
for its leadership and excellence in education and educational research. NIE, established in Singapore
in 1950, has been instrumental in forming and advancing the country’s modern teaching methods and
educational system. It offers an integrated suite of programs designed to promote educational
progress and innovation, with an emphasis on forward-thinking and innovative approaches.
Winners of MBRKA in 2022
Following an almost three-year break owing to the worldwide impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, the
MBRKA was presented again to honor three outstanding medical professionals in 2022, in addition to
the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings and the Emirates Mars Mission ‘Hope Probe’.
Through their diligent efforts and extensive research experiences, Dr. Zhang Yongzhen, Dr. Drew
Weissman, and Dr. Katalin Kariko, were recognized for their significant role in developing COVID-19
vaccines as well as their outstanding contributions to disseminating knowledge globally. Their
groundbreaking research has produced extremely effective vaccinations that have been instrumental
in saving countless lives during COVID-19.
Dr. Zhang Yongzhen has worked at the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in Beijing,
China, and the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre. He has carried out research in the field of rabies
and haemorrhagic fever prevention throughout his career. Dr. Yongzhen’s current research focuses on
the evolution, ecology, and transmission of several viruses. His research on the genetic structure of
the COVID-SARS-19 virus has accelerated research efforts considerably and resulted in the creation
of many vaccinations to fight this pandemic.
Dr. Drew Weissman runs a research laboratory that specializes in the study of RNA and innate immune
system biology, and the application of these findings to vaccine research and gene therapy. He
contributed to the development of the modified mRNA technology used in vaccines for preventing
COVID-19 infection.
Dr. Katalin Kariko, a renowned biochemist and researcher, has substantially contributed to mRNA
technology and the COVID-19 vaccines. She created the modified mRNA technology utilized in the