Page 51 - MBRF PR REPORT - May 2024
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5/23/24, 9:59 AM      Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Award celebrates knowledge development leaders - Aletihad News Center
         today’s challenges and reshaping the future.

         This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the key details of the MBRKA, including its objectives,
         relevance, and other features. It will also highlight the numerous eminent personalities who have been honoured with

         this prestigious award in recognition of their exceptional contributions in the field of knowledge.

         Goals and Values

         The award aims to encourage individuals in the knowledge field to develop a modern and knowledge-based society.
         Second, it aims to inspire knowledge and scientific communities to continue their research and formulate innovative

         solutions for emerging global challenges, as well as advance the transfer, dissemination, and development of
         knowledge worldwide. Thirdly, it seeks to foster a stimulating and conducive environment for knowledge creation and
         exchange among various parties involved in learning its theoretical and practical applications.

         The MBRKA is valued at $1 million as an incentive to encourage people and organisations to discover innovative

         methods to enrich knowledge by supporting efforts to disseminate and develop human knowledge.

         MBRKA Categories and Eligibility

         The MBRKA honours innovative efforts in education, scientific research, and the advancement of educational

         institutions. In light of the development of science and technology as well as the needs of the community, other
         additional fields will be identified and added by the Board of Trustees.

         Nominations for the MBRKA are open to all applicants worldwide, welcoming creative individuals and organisations
         with intellectual accomplishments. The MBRKA’s scope is inclusive, enabling participation from local, regional, and
         worldwide organisations as well as government entities, businesses, associations, institutions, and individuals in the

         nomination process.

         Winners and History

         Launched ten years ago, numerous individuals, including inventors, creators, scientists, and intellectual figures, as well

         as a range of educational and research institutions, have been nominated to date. The MBRKA has been granted to a
         group of knowledge leaders whose innovations, ideas, and concepts have significantly improved humanity as a whole.

         Previous honourees include global talent such as Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, and Jimmy
         Wales, Founder of Wikipedia, who won the award in 2014. In 2016, Melinda Gates won the MBRKA for her noble

         humanitarian efforts and charitable contributions as the co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – which
         combats global poverty and diseases.          2/3
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