Page 487 - MOE ENGLISH PR - MAY 2024
P. 487

5/28/24, 4:37 PM                                             Latest News

        Ministry of Economy launches 2nd edition

        of IP & Video Games Forum in cooperation

        with WIPO to enhance creative industries’

        contribution to national economic growth


        H.E. Dr. Al Muaini highlights UAE’s commitment to providing all enablers

        to facilitate the registration of creative ideas

        Abu Dhabi, 23 May 2024:
        The Ministry of Economy (MoEc) launched the second edition of the “Intellectual Property (IP)

        and Video Games: Commercial and Legal Cases” forum, in cooperation with the World

        Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), with an aim to support creators and innovators and

        foster the growth of the UAE’s creative and technology industry sectors. H.E. Dr.

        Abdulrahman Al Muaini, Assistant Undersecretary for Intellectual Property Sector at the
        Ministry of Economy, participated in the session. Attendees included video games developers,

        representatives of small and medium tech enterprises, universities, educational and research

        institutions, and app developers.

        The initiative is part of a joint project by the Ministry and WIPO lasting from 2023 to 2025 to

        enhance the use of intellectual property in the creative and digital sectors in line with the

        objectives of the National Strategy for the Cultural and Creative Industries. The strategy

        seeks to promote the growth of the cultural and creative industries to make it one of the top
        ten economic sectors in the country and increase its contribution to the national GDP to five

        per cent by 2031.

        H.E. Dr Al Muaini said that the Forum is a valuable opportunity to exchange experiences on

        safeguarding IP rights in technology and creative industries, especially that of video games

        that have seen significant advancements globally. These efforts are key to ensuring a
        stimulative environment for innovation and creativity in this vital sector and enhancing its role
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