Page 46 - T4 Education PR REPORT - June 2024
P. 46

News | Day of Dubai


        Educa on          Jun 13, 2024        202         20

        Two Trailblazing UAE Schools Named In Top 10 Shortlists For World’s Best School

        Prizes 2024

        Two inspira onal schools from the UAE have been named in the Top 10 shortlists for the pres gious World’s

        Best School Prizes 2024. Dubai Interna onal Academy Emirates Hills and GEMS Legacy School have been
        recognized for their outstanding contribu ons to environmental ac on and suppor ng healthy lives,
        respec vely.

        Dubai Interna onal Academy Emirates Hills has been shortlisted for the World’s Best School Prize for

        Environmental Ac on. This independent school, catering to students from kindergarten through secondary
        levels, is renowned for its personalized learning pathways and project-based learning ini a ves. The school
        drives community change through culturally responsive educa on and sustainability projects. Key ini a ves
        include an Eco Club, significant e-waste recycling campaigns, and model COP28 events, all aimed at raising

        environmental awareness and fostering tangible community ac on. If awarded the prize, the academy plans
        to use the funds to establish hydroponic systems for growing organic vegetables on campus, further
        reducing its carbon footprint and enhancing student engagement in eco-friendly prac ces.

        GEMS Legacy School has been shortlisted for the World’s Best School Prize for Suppor ng Healthy Lives.

        This independent school impacts over 6,285 students with comprehensive wellness programs, including
        school-wide fruit breaks and sleep hygiene workshops. Established in 1990, the school educates students
        from kindergarten to secondary levels and employs the PERMA-H model, focusing on emo onal, physical,
        occupa onal, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial wellbeing. GEMS Legacy School's  1/2
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