Page 59 - T4 Education PR REPORT - June 2024
P. 59

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        impac ng over 6,285 students with ini a ves like school-wide fruit breaks and sleep hygiene workshops,
        promo ng holis c wellbeing and sustainable lifestyle choices.

        Established in 1990, GEMS Legacy School educates students from kindergarten to secondary levels. The core of the

        school’s mission is rooted in the PERMA-H model, which encompasses emo onal, physical, occupa onal, social,
        spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial wellbeing, involving innova ve teaching methods and a holis c

        The school’s wellbeing policy is central to achieving a nurturing environment. This ini a ve enhances the physical

        and mental health of students, staff, and parents, and supports broader goals such as community wellbeing and
        sustainable living. Ini a ves like the school-wide fruit break and sleep hygiene workshops are structured to

        enhance daily health habits and promote sustainable lifestyle choices.

        Addi onal ac vi es at GEMS Legacy include collabora ons with interna onal schools and local community
        projects, each contribu ng significantly to fostering a global perspec ve on wellbeing. These efforts have been
        recognised by improvements in student and staff wellness metrics and accolades for community ini a ves.

        Next steps:

        The Top 3 finalists for each of the five World’s Best School Prizes will be announced in September 2024 followed by

        the winners in November. The winner of each Prize will be chosen based on rigorous criteria by a Judging Academy
        comprising dis nguished leaders across the globe including academics, educators, NGOs, social entrepreneurs,

        government, civil society, and the private sector.

        A prize of US$50,000 will be equally shared among the winners of the five Prizes, with each receiving an award of

        US$10,000. Meanwhile, the winner of the Community Choice Award, as determined by the Public Vote, will receive
        membership to Best School to Work - an independent, evidence-based mechanism to cer fy schools for their

        culture and working environment. Membership comes with detailed feedback, ac onable insights, and
        benchmarking data to help schools transform their culture to a ract and retain the best teachers.


        We believe every child, everywhere, deserves a good educa on. We are building the world's largest community of
        teachers and schools to achieve this. Together. Our digital media pla orm provides opportuni es for educators to

        network, collaborate, share good prac ces, and support each other's efforts to improve learning and school
        culture. We work to amplify teachers’ voices because the world we want to see will only be built by listening to

        those at the heart of educa on.

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