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Salik becomes main sponsor for Clean UAE Campaign, reinforcing commitment to
• The campaign is organised by the Emirates Environmental Group (EEG) under the
patronage of the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
• The 23rd edition of this campaign will unite all community members to work towards
environmental conservation
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, December 06, 2024: Salik Company PJSC (Salik), the exclusive
toll gate operator of the Emirate of Dubai, has reiterated its commitment to sustainability by
becoming the main sponsor for the 23rd edi�on of the highly impac�ul ‘Clean UAE’ Campaign,
which is set to take place from December 5 to 14, 2024.
Through this partnership, Salik aims to contribute to the UAE Green Agenda 2030 goals for a
cleaner and sustainable future. This key collabora�on with the Emirates Environmental Group
further underscores Salik’s commitment to driving posi�ve change and suppor�ng ini�a�ves
that benefit the environment.
Ibrahim Haddad, Chief Execu�ve Officer of Salik Company PJSC, said: “As a community, we
all have a shared responsibility to protect our planet and the environment. We are proud to
collaborate with the Emirates Environmental Group for the 23rd edi�on of the Clean UAE
Campaign. This ini�a�ve perfectly aligns with our mission to advance sustainable
development and environmental conserva�on efforts within the UAE. Together, we can create
a beter future for the genera�ons to come.”
Organised by the Emirates Environmental Group (EEG) under the patronage of the Ministry of
Climate Change and Environment, the Clean UAE Campaign is a na�onal ini�a�ve that aims to
promote environmental awareness and sustainability among communi�es. The 23rd edi�on
of this campaign is set to encourage and mobilise communi�es across the country to clean
and preserve the UAE’s natural spaces.
About Salik Company PJSC
The Company was established in its current form, as a public joint stock company in June 2022 pursuant to Law
No. (12) of 2022. “Salik”, which means “seamless mobility” in Arabic, is Dubai’s exclusive toll gate operator and
manages the Emirate of Dubai’s automa�c toll gates u�lising Radio-Frequency-Iden�fica�on (RFID) and
Automa�c-Number-Plate-Recogni�on (ANPR) technologies. The Company currently operates 8 toll gates located
at strategic junctures, especially on Sheikh Zayed Road, which is considered the main road in Dubai. In 2023, 593
million journeys were recorded through Salik’s toll gates, whether for residents commu�ng within the Emirate
for their daily ac�vi�es or for tourists visi�ng Dubai’s atrac�ons. Under a 49-year concession agreement (ending