Page 26 - HYTERA PR Report - March 2023
P. 26
3/16/23, 2:12 PM Hytera to present Communications and Body Camera Solutions
agencies worldwide. Both departments have u lized Hytera body
cameras to increase police efficiency and accountability.
Kenneth Liang, Country Manager of Hytera UAE said: “We are pleased
to par cipate in the World Police Summit and showcase our range of
solu ons for a global stage. Ci es and regions in the Middle East are
advancing at a truly rapid pace and it is crucial that they adopt
innova ve solu ons to strengthen public safety and security. At Hytera,
we are commi ed to developing advanced solu ons that help law
enforcement organisa ons improve public safety. This year marks our
tenth year in the region, and we are constantly striving towards
expanding our presence here. We hope this year to be an incredible
one and be able to achieve more significant feats.”
The company offers reliable and effec ve communica ons solu ons
and technologies that cater to the various requirements of its
customers across the region through a sales network that spans the
Gulf and North African countries, Turkey, and several other Arab-
speaking countries.
For the past 30 years, Hytera has been focusing on the PMR industry
and developing its diverse product ecosystem that encompasses the
en re law enforcement sector. The solu ons increased the
accountability and transparency of law enforcement agencies while also
enhancing safety and efficiency. 2/3