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3/6/24, 4:26 PM                 Dubai to host Future Festival 2024: A revolutionary summit for Innovation trends driven by AI

        bringing together innovators from across the industry and tech enthusiasts from across
        the globe.

        The inaugural hosting of Future Festival in the Middle East, themed ‘The Year AI Changes

        You!’, highlights Dubai’s and the UAE's commitment to embracing technology for
        innovation, excellence, and sustainable growth. It will serve as a unique platform for

        visionaries, AI enthusiasts, and industry leaders, to share valuable insights and explore

        the dynamic impact of AI, as well as work together to reshape the future.

        In addition to highlighting the pioneering potential of artificial intelligence, the summit will

        also shed light on the emerging trends that are poised to rewrite the future of various
        industries across the spectrum as well as society as a whole. It will provide a

        comprehensive platform for participants to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of

        technology, as well as the plethora of dynamic trends that will propel future innovations
        and advancements, through numerous engaging discussions and insightful sessions,

        such as Trend Talks. By doing so, the event aims to keep companies at the forefront of
        technological developments and push them to adapt their strategies according to these

        new trends and enter an era of unlimited industry opportunities.


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