P. 950
Press Release
As part of Barakat Al Dar Club Forums
FDF implements various interactive workshops for senior citizens
and residents
Abu Dhabi, July 17, 2024: The Family Development Foundation has implemented a number of
interactive workshops targeted at senior citizens, as part of its ‘Barakat Al Dar’ club forums, to
foster the mental health and well-being of senior citizens and residents. The workshops aimed to
offer a safe and secure environment for them, enhancing their participation as well as guaranteeing
psychosocial, cultural and health support for them.
Khawla Al Kaabi, Head of Social Welfare for Senior Citizens at Family Development
Foundation, said: “The Foundation recognises the valuable role of senior citizens and residents,
offering requisite psychosocial support and other assistance. It is geared towards their better social
integration and strengthening their capacities through several interactive activities, as well as
awareness and educational workshops offered through the Barakat Al Dar Club forums.”
Al Kaabi added: “The club provides several forums, including Health Forum, Family Forum,
Educational Forum, Happiness Forum, Entrepreneurs Forum, Retirement Preparation Forum, as
well as Social Support Forum. These are aimed at offering and ensuring a healthy lifestyle for
senior citizens and residents. Furthermore, it seeks to provide them with social support as well as
enable them to exchange knowledge and experiences between their children and grandchildren.
Promote their projects, filling their leisure time and raising their quality of life through events that
foster their mental health and positive thinking, as well as providing an integrated program for
retirement preparation and getting ready for it to ensure a better quality of life.”