Page 95 - HBMSU PR REPORT - MARCH 2024
P. 95
3/19/24, 9:19 AM Statement by H.E. Dr. Mansoor Al-Awar Chancellor of HBMSU On the International Day for Digital Education | MENAFN.COM
Statement by H.E. Dr. Mansoor Al-Awar
Chancellor of HBMSU On the International
Day for Digital Education
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3/18/2024 7:57:42 AM
(MENAFN- Orient Planet Group) “On this occasion, it is imperative to underscore UNESCO’s
landmark decision to designate March 19 as the International Day for Digital Education, a
pivotal milestone catalysed by an Emirati proposal. This designation by the esteemed
international body not only underscores the UAE's strides in modernising education but also
symbolises global acknowledgment of the nation's pioneering role in advancing digital
education. Commemorating this global observance serves as a resounding affirmation of the
pivotal role universities, institutions and educational entities play in fostering innovation and
leveraging digitalisation to enhance learning experiences. It underscores their role in
advancing education and reshaping the future of learning systems, further shedding light on
digitisation’s qualitative impact on curricula, methodologies, and tools. 1/2