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                    LinkedIn (CBNME)                                                                          6,100  N/A
                    LinkedIn (Emirates 247)                                                                   6,500  N/A
                    LinkedIn (Mid-East)                                                                       5,700  N/A
                    LinkedIn (Property Time)                                                                  6,800  N/A
                    MAA Gulf                                                                                31,200  2100
                    Madhyamam Online                                                                        20,900  N/A
                    ME Business                                                                             19,000  4300
                    ME News 24/7                                                                            21,700  136
                    Media Office                                                                          118,600  2700
                    Mena Fn                                                                                 79,800  10000
                    Mid East Info                                                                           16,700  1600
                    MSN                                                                                     96,900  21000000
                    News Write Caliber                                                                      10,300  157
                    One Arabia                                                                              14,100  N/A
                    Passionate in Marketing                                                                 29,300  1800
                    Pioneer News                                                                            26,600  27
                    Property Time                                                                           31,900  103
                    Radioshoma 934                                                                          11,400  9
                    RD Times                                                                                25,100  2200
                    REM Times                                                                               13,300  533
                    Republic News India                                                                     72,200  2600
                    RP Realty Plus                                                                          29,300  900
                    sharjah 24                                                                              79,000  4700
                    Tag 911                                                                                 11,400  158
                    The India Bulletin                                                                      31,500  N/A
                    The National                                                                            63,800  216900
                    The UAE Daily                                                                           27,700  17
                    TikTok - The National News                                                                6,100  N/A
                    Trade Arabia                                                                              8,400  4100
                    Trading Charts                                                                            7,600  18200
                    Trading View                                                                          217,400  6700000
                    Travel Daily News                                                                       17,100  3100
                    Trends MENA                                                                             11,800  1200
                    UAE News 24/7                                                                           51,700  1200
                    UAE News 4 U                                                                            30,400  720
                    UAE Times Now                                                                           11,400  N/A
                    Virgin Radio Dubai                                                                      11,400  4500
                    Vivid Dubai                                                                             15,600  1000
                    Wam                                                                                   199,500  16000
                    X- Khaleej Times                                                                          5,700  N/A
                    YouTube - Artior realtors                                                                 7,600  N/A
                    Zawya                                                                                 229,100  25400
                                    TOTAL                                                             2,778,100  30,456,548

                                    Total English - AED        2,818,800

                            Total English Media Reach      30,456,548
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13