Page 84 - Salik PR Report July 2024
P. 84
7/31/24, 1:29 PM Dubai Salik: Costs, locations and how to avoid fines | Time Out Dubai
If you have been found tampering with your tag for fraudulent purposes or have caused damage to a
Salik toll gate then the fine is Dhs10,000.
According to the latest rules, the maximum amount of fines in one year that a motorist can face is an
aggregate of Dhs10,000.
To avoid further fines you must inform Salik within 90 days if your tag is found to be defective. Salik
will then replace your tag free of charge. If your tag has been lost or stolen then Salik must be
informed immediately and your tag will then be deactivated. You must then pay for a new tag.
How do I fight a toll gate fine?
If you have a fine on your traffic file that you want to contest then you must do so within 13 months of
the fine being issued.
You can dispute the fine online or through the app by selecting any relevant fines and adding them to
a dispute list.
To dispute the fine you must provide details for your dispute. You’ll then receive an application
reference number. Your dispute will then be investigated and you’ll receive a text message on the final 6/7