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fostering advanced and innovative approaches to development and lifestyle


               Dubai Municipality's involvement in ‘UAE Innovates 2024’ is part of its vision to

               becoming a leading municipality for a global city, guided by core values such as

               competitiveness, proactiveness, and participation. This commitment aligns with the

               Municipality’s strategy of embracing innovation, knowledge, and creativity, further

               reinforcing its commitment to fostering  an advanced and innovative knowledge

               economy within the UAE.

               H.E. Dawoud Al Hajri, Director General of Dubai Municipality, affirmed that the UAE

               Innovation Month reflects the nation’s commitment to a forward-thinking strategy,

               reinforcing its position among global innovation leaders. He emphasized the wise

               leadership’s ambition to fostering creative and pioneering ideas in innovation. The

               UAE's Centennial 2071 initiatives further highlight this commitment, focusing on

               establishing an advanced education system in science and technology to elevate the

               knowledge economy. Furthermore, this vision aims to cultivate an environment that

               promotes and supports entrepreneurship and innovation, solidifying the country's

               position as the future capital.

               H.E. Al Hajri said: "In line with our commitment to fostering a culture of leadership

               and innovation and coinciding with the UAE Innovation Month 2024, we have

               launched the ‘Knowledge and Innovation Strategy’ and the ‘Knowledge and

               Innovation Charter’ within Dubai Municipality. This initiative is in accordance with
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