Page 115 - CABSAT PR REPORT - March & April 2024
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4/30/24, 10:43 AM             World News | CABSAT 2024 to Highlight New Advancements in Media, Satellite Technology | LatestLY

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        With  the  content  creation  and  distribution  landscape  evolving  regularly,  the  Content

        Congress at CABSAT 2024 will provide a space for digital innovators, industry leaders,

        and content creators to discuss new trends, opportunities, and challenges.

        The Content Congress will explore key industry trends, including the emergence of over-

        the-top (OTT) content consumption, in light of the projection that 44.9 percent of global

        internet users will engage with OTT content in 2024. In addition, they will look at the

        increasing demand for immersive media experiences, content monetisation strategies,

        and  the  future  of  broadcasting  through  interactive  panel  discussions,  keynote

        addresses, and interactive workshops.

        Also Read | Elon Musk Says I'm a Big Fan of China and Have Lots of Fans There.

        The two-day programme will address significant topics through several sessions, such

        as  'What AI  could  mean  for  the  Middle  East  Media  Industry,'  'Who  is  More  Original:

        Human vs. AI,' and 'The Arab Box Office' among others.

        Manoj Abraham Mathew, Director - Studios & Events at Dubai Media, stated, "CABSAT

        2024 provides an influential forum for innovators, content creators, and distributors to  2/3
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