Page 13 - Galadari PR Report - May 2024
P. 13

Mazda CX-90: Perfect Powerful SUV For Large Families

                  Cars  Technologies
                 by Sofia Brontvein
                 Mazda CX-90: Perfect Powerful SUV For Large

                                   The Mazda family welcomes a dynamic yet spacious crossover, the CX-90, which we have tested for you.

                                   From Cork to Cars

                                   Let's take a moment to reminisce. The history of Mazda began in the 1920s when Jujiro Matsuda, the son of a humble fisherman, alo
                                   with several investors, bought out the bankrupt construc on company Abemaki. The new owners focused on trading corkwood, as th
                                   environmentally friendly and renewable material played a significant role in the Hiroshima prefecture. Thus, the company was named
                                   Toyo Cork Kogyo. Instead of just selling raw materials, Matsuda proposed manufacturing products and equipment from corkwood, wh
                                   didn't hinder him from quickly star ng to experiment with transporta on development.                     1/4
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