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companies are leading the education evolution, using cutting-edge resources to prepare

               students for the modern world.

               For example, companies use creative methods such as engaging videos and activities
               to break down complex lessons and foster students' creativity, analytical thinking and

               problem-solving skills. Technology is a powerful catalyst for learning, and these

               companies are using it to create more effective and engaging learning experiences.

               To effectively teach digital natives, educators must understand their learning patterns.

               Generation-Z differs vastly from their predecessors—they prefer an independent

               learning style with less passive and more visual and kinesthetic learning.

               One of the defining features of the digital age is the ubiquity of the internet. With

               continuous access to educational resources and other learning activities through their
               smart devices, students can learn at their own pace and on their own time. This on-the-

               go learning offers several benefits to digital natives, including flexibility, convenience

               and cost-effectiveness.

               Another significant step in rethinking education models for Generation-Z is preparing

               educators to facilitate learning over teaching, which encourages active collaboration

               among digital natives. Online platforms and tools can enable better communication and

               cooperation, creating promising opportunities for students to learn from each other.

               There are also compelling reasons for educators to move beyond teaching content to
               create learning experiences that meet the unique needs of digital natives. Rather than

               imparting facts, educators must challenge students to think critically and create, given

               their access to information. The goal is to nurture concerned and active citizens who

               can navigate the complex web of information in the digital age. In addition, teachers

               need adequate professional development to use technology and adapt traditional

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