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12/14/23, 1:58 PM  International SOS releases Risk Map 2024: The threat of climate change alongside growing security and health risks in 2024 | Bu…
          International SOS releases Risk Map 2024: The threat of climate change

                         alongside growing security and health risks in 2024

            As an industry-first, climate change risk levels present in countries around the world have been added to the
                                        annual update to the International SOS Risk Map

         December 13, 2023 07:52 AM Eastern Standard Time

         LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The world’s leading security and health risk services company, International SOS, is today
         releasing its annual interactive Risk Map 2024. The map has been designed to help organisations and their mobile workers
         better understand their global risks.

                                                      The Risk Map 2024 provides organisations with underlying medical and
         “Just one example, the extreme heat          security risk ratings reflecting the impact of disruptive events, such as the
         events this year, with the first ever        ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and between Israel and Hamas. Using data-
                                                      driven tools, such as this Risk Map, can help organisations maintain their
         named heatwave “Cerberus”                    Duty of Care responsibilities as global security, medical and climate
                                                      change risks continue to evolve.
             Post this
                                                      For the first time, the Risk Map includes a layer which also outlines
                                                      climate change risks. Compiled by INFORM (a collaboration between the
                                                      Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change and Joint Research
         Centre of European Commission), the data provides quantified estimates of the impacts of climate change on the future risk of
         humanitarian crises and disasters. This risk index is intended to inform policy choices across climate mitigation and adaptation,
         disaster risk reduction, sustainable development and humanitarian assistance for greater resilience to the adverse impacts of
         climate change.

         The 2024 Risk Map can be used as a tool to build a comprehensive view of the risk landscape around the world.

         Climate change increases health risks

         International SOS is seeing a rising trend in the number of climate-related alerts being issued to clients as rising global
         temperatures are increasing health risks around the world. Greater support has been requested by businesses on this issue.
         There were 80% more medical alerts issued by International SOS relating to climate change factors in 2023 compared to 2022.
         This statistic highlights just how significant the issue is to businesses and their leaders.

         Dr Irene Lai, Global Medical Director at International SOS comments, “Just one example, the extreme heat events this year, with
         the first ever named heatwave “Cerberus” hitting Europe, may become commonplace. In addition to the physical impacts of
         extreme heat, there can be significant negative effects on mental health. It is essential businesses plan for this, adapting our way
         of living and working to protect health, while also taking steps to slow and eventually reverse the trend in rising temperatures.”

         Changes to medical risk continue to vary across countries and regions. Two notable improvements in medical risk this year are
         Bolivia and Côte d’Ivoire, largely based on the gradual improvement in access to quality medical care, particularly in the major

         Geopolitical risks continue to dominate global security concerns

         The Risk Map also provides a better understanding of the wider security situation in countries which employees may be travelling
         through or working in. It helps to better inform organisations so they are able to create tailored solutions to mitigate the specific
         risks that their workforces may encounter.

         Sally Llewellyn, Global Security Director, at International SOS comments, “For the coming year, geopolitical tensions, unrest and
         political instability are expected to impact business operations. This is reflected in the map with the Sahel, parts of the Middle
         East and Ukraine in the ‘high’ or ‘extreme’ security risk category. International SOS continues to support organisations operating
         in these locations, including through providing verified information and advice on how such risks will affect their workforce or by
         supporting evacuations where needed.”

         Due to new and evolving conflicts, some of the most notable risk rating increases this year have been parts of Lebanon,
         Palestinian Territories, Russia and across the Sahel. Ecuador and parts of Colombia have also increased following a consistent
         rise in criminality and unrest.…  1/2
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