P. 63

when crossing the "Salik" gates, to cover the value of the trip, if the account is not

               recharged within five working days from the Date of crossing, then the customer will be

               subject to a fine of fifty dirhams for the first violation and one violation for each day that

               the violation occurs. In the event that there is no "Salik" card registered for the vehicle

               when crossing the "Salik" gates, and the card is not subscribed to and registered in the

               system within 10 working days from the date of crossing, and the violation is assessed,

               the value of the second violation is 100 dirhams, at the rate of one violation per day.

               This is the case in the event that there is no "Salik" card registered for the vehicle.

               When crossing the gate without a subscription for the second day in a row, you are

               considered to have committed a third violation, which carries a fine of one hundred

               dirhams (at the rate of one violation per day). At the rate of one violation per day, the

               value of the fourth violation is anticipated to be 400 dirhams for the third day of crossing

               the gate without a subscription. This is because the rate of violations is one per day. In

               addition to this, a violation will be noted and consequences will be given. Following the

               recording of a violation against the customer for crossing the border for the third time

               without a "Salik" card registered to the vehicle, the client will be subject to a fine of 400

               dirhams for each crossing trip that they make.

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