Page 46 - Ministry of Sports PR Report - October 2024
P. 46
10/23/24, 9:56 AM Min stry of Sports leads ‘Future of Sports Retreat’
DUBAI: The Min istry of Sports held the ‘Future of Sports Retreat’ on Tues day under the
them atic ‘A New Vis ion for a Beter Sports Future’ to dis cuss the future of Emir ati sports and
set the course for the next phase of National Sports Strategy 2031.
This retreat marked the rst major mile stone for the Min istry of Sports since the announce -
ment of its incep tion. The event brought together senior lead ers from across the gov ern ment
and sports com munity as well as decision-makers from sports organ isa tions and Olympic and
Para lympic ath letes to exchange ideas and exper i ences, explore oppor tun it ies and chal lenges
facing Emir ati sports, and dis cuss ways to instil a cul ture of sports and act ive life style across
all seg ments of soci ety.
The retreat was held in the pres ence of Sheikh Rashid bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, Vice Pres id ent of
the National Olympic Com mitee, Dr. Ahmed Bel houl Al Falasi, Min is ter of Sports, Reem bint
Ebrahim Al Hashimy, Min is ter of State for Inter na tional Cooper a tion Dr. Abdulrah man Bin
Abdul man nan Al Awar, Min is ter of Human Resources and Emir at isa tion and Act ing Min is ter
of Higher Edu ca tion and Sci enti c Research, Dr. Sul tan Bin Saif Al Ney adi, Min is ter of State
for Youth A airs, along with sev eral esteemed heads of sports fed er a tions and prom in ent
sports per son al it ies and ath letes in the coun try.
Dis cus sions focused on the devel op ment of strategies to con tinue to strengthen and expand
the sec tor to achieve lead er ship’s vis ion to real ize the full poten tial social and eco nomic
impact of sports on the future of the UAE.
That included dis cuss ing the devel op ment of youth and the coun try’s future elite ath letes,
how to pro mote pro fes sion al ism among emer ging ath letes, as well as explor ing the poten tial
of sports as a form of pub lic dip lomacy to enhance the UAE’S global pos i tion and advance
nation brand ing object ives.
Dur ing his open ing speech, Falasi, Min is ter of Sports, said: “This retreat presents a valu able
oppor tun ity for the entire Emir ati sports com munity and a l i ated part ners to come together
as one to plan for the future of UAE sports. Our aim is to develop recom mend a tions and ini ti -
at ives that will pave the way for a new begin ning, driv ing the growth of our sports sec tor to
max im ize its poten tial con tri bu tion and impact on a pros per ous and sus tain able future of this
coun try and its people.”
“The gov ern ment’s decision to estab lish the Min istry of Sports re ects its com mit ment to
mak ing a sig ni c ant leap for ward in the national sports eco sys tem. This import ant step
re ects the gov ern ment’s ded ic a tion towards empower ing our cur rent and future ath letes
and enabling the prom ise of Emir ati youth to achieve their full poten tial for lead er ship and
excel lence.” 3/3