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12/19/24, 1:39 PM Forbes Middle East's Under 30 Summit launches in Abu Dhabi
The first day welcomed dis nguished a endees, including H.E. Mohamed Bin Taliah, Chief of Government
Services at the UAE Government; Ayman Mokhtar, Regional President for MENA and Eurasia at Viatris; Haleh
Hamedifar, Chairperson of CinnaGen; Geoffrey Alphonso, CEO of Alef Educa on; Katralnada BinGha , CEO of
Bingha Holding; Menna elKiey, Lyricist, Writer, and Crea ve Director; Mirna Arif, General Manager of
Microso ; as well as actress Yasmina El-Abd.
“The UAE is not only a partner in success but also a pla orm that invests in young minds, providing a nurturing
environment that unleashes ideas and encourages dreams to soar. Here, everything is possible, and every
ambi on can be transformed into an achievement,” said Khuloud Al Omian, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes
Middle East. She emphasized Forbes Middle East’s commitment to suppor ng and empowering youth to realize
their ambi ons, highligh ng that they are the driving force behind change and innova on. “The summit aims to
provide a pla orm for collabora on and innova on, where young people can exchange ideas, share knowledge,
and build a be er future by celebra ng their inspiring success stories,” she added.
Discussions and panels are being hosted across two main stages: the Social Hub and the Innova on Hub. At the
Innova on Hub, which covers science, technology, commerce, and finance, panels included “Mastering the
Entrepreneurial Mindset,” exploring the traits that define successful leaders, from cul va ng a growth mindset
to staying ahead of the curve in an ever-changing business world. The “Engineering Tomorrow's Startup
Legends” panel also delved into the prac cal aspects of startup success, including streamlined opera ons,
effec ve resource alloca on, and building a founda on for con nuous innova on.
At the Social Hub, focusing on sports, entertainment, and social impact, the Olympic Gold Medalist Ahmed El
Gendy shared his journey to the elite level in sports. A endees also delved into the power of women in art,
culture, and innova on, exploring their journeys and the impact of their work in driving societal transforma on.
From sports to storytelling, the Social Hub also hosted an inspiring session exploring the art of communica on
and crea vity, delving into podcas ng, public speaking, leadership, and visual storytelling.
Elsewhere, par cipants unleashed their crea vity through a graffi workshop, tu ing sessions, and tote bag
pain ng, and wellness enthusiasts found inspira on in yoga classes and an ice bath experience. Addi onal 2/3