Page 17 - Wilo PR Report - April 2024
P. 17

Wilo drives sustainability momentum at WFES, ADSW
        innova ons that transform the energy efficiency in residen al and commercial spaces, water management advancements
        that ensures clean water access, and industrial excellence offering essen al pumps and systems tailored to meet the
        demanding needs of diverse industries, ranging from food produc on to power genera on.

        Wilo u lises its extensive exper se and cu ng-edge technologies to tackle cri cal environmental issues, in alignment with
        the Summit’s objec ve of achieving a clear energy future as well as the UAE’s efforts to create a more diverse and
        sustainable economy. The company remains steadfast in its dedica on to influencing a posi ve change through innova on
        and coopera on in the face of escala ng environmental issues.--TradeArabia News Service

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