Page 99 - DGHR PR REPORT - APRIL 2024
P. 99

4/12/24, 1:01 PM      DGHR launches 'Guide of Health, Occupational Safety and Environment in Government of Dubai’ | Emirates News Agency
                     and introducing a culture of health, occupational safety,

                     and environmental risk management in the department.

                     Al Falasi said, “The launch of the ‘Guide of Health,

                     Occupational Safety and the Environment in the

                     Government of Dubai’ represents a significant step in

                     line with our wise leadership’s ambitious vision for the

                     future. Furthermore, it is part of our ongoing efforts to

                     achieve excellence in government performance as well

                     as enhance happiness and productivity in the working


                     “This manual demonstrates our commitment to the

                     highest standards of quality and excellence, intending to

                     deliver a secure and healthy work environment that

                     upholds environmental sustainability and inspires

                     innovation among employees. We are confident that

                     implementing this handbook will establish a strong

                     culture of prevention and risk management, making our

                     institutions more equipped and prepared to handle

                     future challenges and advance sustainable growth.”

                     “Investing in occupational health, safety, and

                     environment is a significant investment in human

                     capital, which is our most valuable resource. It
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