Page 36 - Grandweld PR Report - August 2024
P. 36
Grandweld Shipyards successfully delivers advanced FNSA 7 Vessel to Fujairah National Shipping LLC to enhance regional m…
Jamal Abki, General Manager of Grandweld Shipyards commented, “The delivery of our GrandSuperior class vessel to
Fujairah Na onal Shipping LLC marks an important milestone for Grandweld Shipyards, reflec ng our shared goals of
innova on, technological advancements, and sustainability. The Port of Fujairah, with easy access to interna onal
shipping routes, is the only mul purpose port in the UAE’s eastern coast. Fujairah Na onal Shipping plays a crucial role
in the regional mari me industry, thanks to its unrivalled array of services for ship owners, operators, charterers,
managers, and brokers, as well as its ongoing investments in the port’s natural assets and strategic loca on. We are
proud to support the UAE’s mari me sector by providing advanced vessels that meet the highest interna onal
standards and are honoured to serve Fujairah Na onal Shipping in its mission to enhance the regional mari me
In keeping with the UAE government’s Federal Decree-Law No 43 of 2023 on Mari me Law, which became effec ve on
March 29, 2024, Grandweld Shipyards has remained at the forefront of modernising the legal framework for mari me
ac vi es that adheres to interna onal standards.
Khameis M Khaddeim, CEO of Fujairah Na onal Shipping LLC, stated “We are delighted to have received the FNSA 7
from Grandweld Shipyards, as this cu ng-edge vessel will significantly improve our opera onal capabili es, allowing us
to provide more efficient and sustainable services to our clients. The FNSA 7 demonstrates Grandweld’s dedica on to
quality and innova on, and we are eager to make use of this new tool to further solidify our posi on within the
regional mari me industry. With this new addi on to our fleet, we con nue to uphold our commitment to opera onal
excellence and implement transforma ve technologies in mari me opera ons, enabling us to excel in the sector.”
With a fully integrated shipyard that provides comprehensive shipbuilding, ship conversion, ship repair, and engineering
solu ons tailored to meet the various needs of the mari me sector, Grandweld Shipyards con nues to be an innovator
in the mari me and offshore industry. At more than 55,000 square metres, the state-of-the-art shipbuilding facility in
Dubai Mari me City (DMC) is the largest in the area and a testament to Grandweld’s ability to deliver advanced vessels
that serve global offshore, port, and security opera ons.
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