Page 34 - Centena Group PR Report - November 2024
P. 34
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of gases and liquids essen al for processes related to carbon capture, u lisa on, and storage (CCUS). The system is
further crucial in sectors such as oil and gas, chemicals, cement, and renewable energy. For example, in natural gas
processing, our flow meters play a vital role in ensuring the correct blend of natural gas and hydrogen in pipelines,
measuring hydrogen concentra ons for safeguarding safety and quality standards. This precision enables industries
to reduce their carbon footprint while maintaining opera onal efficiency.”
He added: “At Emphor, we are guided by Centena group’s vision of developing advanced solu ons that drive
innova on and progress across industries. We remain steadfast in our dedica on to pushing the boundaries,
contribu ng to overall economic growth and quality of life.”
The company an cipates engaging with industry leaders, decision makers, and poten al business prospects during
the four-days event to discuss collabora on opportuni es and explore the future of sustainable energy solu ons.
As the world transi ons towards a more sustainable future, Emphor remains at the forefront of innova on. By
par cipa ng in the ADIPEC 2024, the company seeks to consolidate its posi on as a leading provider of advanced
solu ons that redefine the energy sector.
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