Page 56 - NewTech Insurance PR REPORT - March 2024
P. 56

NewTech Insurance Brokers enriches customer experiences | UAE News 24/7
                              with NHRDN addressing HR leads of the region on naviga ng the health
                              insurance sector in the UAE.


                              Arvind Kashyap, CEO of NewTech Insurance Brokers, stated: “We are
                              extremely proud of the figures we have achieved last year, in terms of
                              business KPIs and metrics as well as client renewal rate. We look forward
                              to further serving the MENA region in line with our ambi ous plans to
                              reach a larger audience through the provision of more advanced cu ng-
                              edge services. At NewTech Insurance, we adopt an empathe c and
                              compassionate approach, which helps us be er understand customer
                              requirements and concerns as well as treat them with the respect and
                              care they deserve, enabling us to deliver personalised solu ons catered
                              to their specific circumstances. Through this approach, we also
                              guarantee insurance services of the highest quality for the MENA region
                              as well as support the UAE’s mission to protect and safeguard all its
                              ci zens.”

                              As the UAE economy is growing, the need for different types of insurance
                             has increased. In response to growing demand, the number of medical
                             professionals as well as insurance companies and services in the UAE has
                             quadrupled, significantly expanding the country’s healthcare
                             infrastructure in recent years.  Reports indicate a substan al focus on
                              health and life insurance within the UAE’s insurance sector, with the
                              healthcare insurance market projected to reach USD 19.6 billion by 2030
                              from USD 10.131 billion in 2022. Growing popula on, increasing
                              healthcare costs, significant technological advancements, and
                              government support are the major factors driving this growth in the
                              country’s insurance sector.

                              NewTech Insurance offers reliable and bespoke insurance packages that
                              cater to the specific requirements and demands of individuals and
                              organisa ons. In addi on to recording significant business growth in the
                              previous year, the company has explored numerous innova ve
                              technologies and hired new personnel, both of which have helped to
                              improve the organisa on’s market intelligence and service standards.
                              Advanced medical insurance plans, services, and products are an
                              important source for UAE-based companies that are seeking to draw and
                              retain talents. The vast array of services offered by NewTech Insurance is
                              expected to advance the insurance sector and provide individuals with
                              access to excep onal and top-notch services.

                              Hitesh Khanchandani, Managing Partner at NewTech Insurance
                              Brokers, stated: “Our unwavering dedica on to recognising client
                              requirements and providing unparalleled value is reflected in the success
                              we recorded the previous year. Through a number of strategic ini a ves
                              and targeted efforts, we are constantly striving to strengthen our
                              posi on as a significant player in the region’s insurance sector. Our focus
                              and commitment have enabled us to guarantee the efficacy of our
                              services and increase the client renewal rates.”

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